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What Nashville Predators want to improve this summer, from Roman Josi to Juuse Saros

Alex Daugherty
Nashville Tennessean

The Nashville Predators concluded their season Tuesday with final exit meetings between players, general manager Barry Trotz, and coach Andrew Brunette.

While most exit meetings focus on how a player's season progressed overall — including a review of the team's playoff series loss to the Vancouver Canucks — one part of the process is getting a head start on summer improvement plans.

Of course, most players won't get started on their offseason workouts for several weeks. An NHL season is a grueling marathon, even without a playoff appearance. Many will be taking some time off in the immediate aftermath.

But once offseason plans are underway, what is each player focusing on?

Here's what players said Tuesday on where they could improve during the summer.

Cole Smith, forward

"For me, it's always offensive parts of the game. There's little things. Shots, getting shots off quicker in those scoring areas. It's such a hard game, the middle of the ice is such a premium area. There's so much time and space that gets taken away. Anytime you can work on those quick hands, quick shots, especially for me in my style of the game, that's an area I can improve in."

Tommy Novak, center

"Just finding new ways to try to create (offense). It didn't go too well for me (in the playoffs). Seeing that now, hopefully having a better mindset going into next year. And just get back in the mode of trying to continue to get better. Work hard in the gym, work hard on the ice."

Alex Carrier, defenseman

"My shot, I want to work on my shot. Try to focus as much as I can on taking to the middle, opening my hips, trying to find a better lane to shoot the puck. Trying to protect myself a bit more. Trying to learn from (Ryan McDonagh) and (Roman Josi) when they go for pucks on breakouts. And want to still work on my speed, my edges on breakouts, being able to cut on the ice, be more elusive."

Cody Glass, center

"Now that I know (Brunette's) system, working on speed is going to be huge. We're a fast team, so I'm going to try and do as much as possible. Work with our trainers and with mine back home. I'm going to do everything I can to get back into the player I am."

Juuse Saros, goaltender

"Just improve my game as well as I can. This year especially there were a lot of ups and downs. I learned a lot, too. But I still want to get better. A big part of being on the team is taking another step."

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Roman Josi, defenseman

"I try to improve every year. When I look at my game, there's always things I can improve on. Obviously, I'm getting older, I'm definitely in the second half of my career. But I'm a very curious person, I've always tried to watch other players, see what other players are doing. On every aspect, the mental aspect, the game itself, the skill, and off ice. I just always try to improve."

Ryan McDonagh, defenseman

"There's some big steps that we need to take. But we have that care for one another to go through those steps. Management is going to keep getting this team better. Adding pieces, tweaking it in different ways. But for the core group that's probably going to be back and the young guys that had a great experience this year, there's no doubt that we can play that same style right from the beginning."