
Delande to receive highest honor for a sports official

Dan Delande

COLUMBUS — An Ohio Valley native will receive the highest honor an Official can achieve later this summer.

Dan Delande will be inducted into the Ohio High School Athletic Association Officials Hall of Fame during ceremonies on June 21 in Columbus. Sadly, the Shadyside resident passed away last summer and will be inducted posthumously as both a baseball umpire and basketball official.

“Being inducted into the OHSAA Hall of Fame is one of the greatest honors for officials. We are so proud of my father’s accomplishments, not only on the basketball court and softball field but throughout his life,” his daughter, Gina Holmes, said. “He was such an advocate for children in the classroom and during sporting events. All throughout my life, I remember how much joy my father had educating the youth in his profession as a teacher/principal and as an official in the sports arena.

“This enshrinement into the OHSAA is such an elite accomplishment and I am certain my dad would be very proud but continue to stay humble about his success,” she added. “I always knew my dad was a kind, well-respected man, but during these last few months since his death, I have learned about the huge impact that he had on all of those around him.”

Bob Gabel, a fellow official and long-time friend of Delande, has been pushing for this moment for a long time.

“This is very well-deserved. Dan was one heck of a character,” Gabel said. “He was family oriented and caring. He took care of the student-athletes and always made sure all of the events were covered by officials.

“Dan was a great guy. He would do anything for you. I considered him a great friend,” Gabel added. “I absolutely miss him, but I know he is up there smiling down on us.”

Another long-time friend and fellow umpire, Tom “Bear” Bechtel said he could tell story after story about Delande.

“I umpired with Dan for about 25 years. We did high school games together, but we also did college games in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. One year we did 40-some together,” Bechtel recalled. “I knew him personally. He was a great umpire, but an even greater person.

“This is quite an honor for him. I’m glad to see him finally get in.”

Delande umpired softball games for 27 years and refereed basketball games for 22. His list of accomplishments includes 15 Ohio regional softball playoffs; nine Ohio state softball tournaments; 10 Ohio regional basketball games; four W.Va. Softball playoffs and four W.Va. state softball finals. He also worked one W.Va. state basketball final.

In addition, Delande also served as the officials assigner for four years and umpired NCAA Division II and Division III softball for 12 years. He ran the Wheeling Recreation Softball League for a quarter of a century.

He was a member of the Ohio Valley Board of Approved Softball Umpires, serving as an officer or executive committee member on various boards.

He was born in Aetnaville on January 31, 1947. In addition to his daughter Gina, he is survived by his grandchildren, Alexa Coggins, Anthony Coggins, Collin Holmes, and Aivreigh Holmes.

Delande was a proud member of the Bridgeport High School class of 1965 and was recently inducted into the Bridgeport Hall of Fame.


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